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Should the BBC be privatised?

Most people agree that the BBC is a "national asset".  There are problems however.  The problems occur because the BBC is impartial, it must not favour any nationality or viewpoint.  Impartiality is neither good nor fair, for instance, to treat a country that indulges in political mass murder as equivalent to other countries is immoral.

Impartiality is not the same as objectivity.  A news agency can be objective about genocide yet still condemn it.   Impartiality always favours evil, for example, three mercenaries might be asked to kill a family, only the mercenary that says NO! avoids the evil, the mercenary who says YES accepts it, as does the mercenary who says I am IMPARTIAL.  The BBC is proud of its impartiality: "Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC's commitment to its audiences" (BBC editorial guidelines).

Treating all countries as equal and all viewpoints as equivalent is "Internationalism".  It is the position of a supranational body such as the UN or EU.  The BBC, as a result of being impartial is internationalist. Internationalism is the launchpad for Globalization where national culture and sovereignty are absorbed into a global order.  Globalization is immoral - see The future of globalization .

The BBC is also a major source of poststructuralist propaganda. Poststructuralism is the technique of covering a story by taking an arbitrary "moral highground" and then setting up two opposing sides to defend and undermine this moral highground.  The poststructuralism at the BBC is the result of poststructuralist training amongst its journalists and also a result of "fair" coverage.  In "fair" coverage debates are always structured as battles between opposing sides.  This is an absurd technique because editors can select a fool to respresent the side that they despise.  The poststructuralist approach is a product of postmarxism (see Postmodernism-poststructuralism-postmarxism) and the BBC has become the source of postmarxist propaganda.

According to its charter the BBC cannot have a "moral highground" of British national interest and employs the postmarxist emphasis on exaggeration of differences such as racism/antiracism as the two sides of any political debate.  This appears to be "fair" but is actually polarising society, especially British society.

A further problem with the BBC is that its employees are public sector workers.  They support their own self interest against the real world and support other public sector groups.  Even if we thought it was good to support the public sector a national, allegedly "impartial", publicly financed media corporation is not the correct place to do it.

I would propose that BBC News is privatised and the BBC concentrate on quality drama and non-political documentaries.  The BBC could carry short news bulletins from third party vendors.

There is an interesting report on BBC attitudes in the Daily Mail article: :

and an extraordinary insight into BBC views in Andrew Marr's article:

"And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain 'natural' beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off. The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too."

POLITICAL THOUGHTS click here to see the whole POLITICAL THOUGHTS magazine!


The BBC Guide to postmodern journalism



Anonymous said…
To my knowledge the BBC only advertises for staff in the Guardian, a Marxist paper.
I believe that the BBC should be sold off, but prior to that it should be broken up into smaller pieces. This is so it cannot resurrect in its existing form under new ownership.
Unknown said…
If you agree with the article make your thoughts count & vote on the HM Goverment e-petition web site.
The BBC should be privatised
John said…
The web site is:
Anonymous said…
Any one who works for the bbc is a thief and should be treated as such.

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